

Have a Question?


What are your hours of operation?

Redding Pain Medicine is open Monday through Thursday from 7 AM to 5 PM.

How do I get an appointment to be seen at Redding Pain Medicine?

We accept referrals from primary care providers and specialists. You may also refer yourself, although we require every patient have a primary care provider.

In most circumstances, we will review your medical records, imaging and diagnostic testing, and then decide if you are appropriate to be evaluated at the Redding Pain Medicine.


Is there a Cure for my pain?

There are many reasons for pain to develop, and a solution to your pain may require lifestyle changes, dietary changes, interventions such as physical therapy, ongoing use of medications, or injections. The ability to heal yourself may be boosted with a regenerative treatment ( PRP or Stem cells ). In some cases surgery to modulate injured nerve pain ( Spinal Cord stimulation, DRG stimulation, or Intrathecal Pump therapy), or to correct an underlying problem may provide management of your symptoms.


I'm Having a Problem after my Proceedure.

I'm numb and weak. This is likely the result of the use of sedation or local anesthetic and will slowly wear off over there next 24 hours. If you have increasing numbness or weakness following a procedure, call the office.

I'm having increased pain. A flair of pain can occur following any procedure due to irritation of the treated tissues. Conservative treatment with rest, ice, NSAIDs ( example Ibuprofen) and prescribed pain medication will usually resolve the episode in 24-72 hours. If these treatments are not effective contact the office.

I'm having  flushing or insomnia. This happens when you are sensitive to a steroid medication and will slowly resolve over several days. Please review this at your followup visit so that we can make adjustments to future treatments to reduce the risk of this recurring.

What is a Diagnostic Block?

A diagnostic block as a procedure where local anesthetic is injected to diagnose the precise tissue or structure  responsible for your pain. These are typically done without any sedation as this interferes with your ability to interpret your pain during the test period. We do not expect any long term reduction in pain. It is necessary for you to keep track of your pain scores immediately following the procedure, and return this documentation at your follow-up appointment.

What does it mean if my shot did not work?

Diagnostic injections are a test and we expect pain relief, if it occurs to be measured in hours. Sometimes an injection may be targeted to a specific area on the request of a surgeon as part of their evaluation, this is also a type of Diagnostic test.

A therapy or treatment injection is focused on where your pain is located. It may take up to 10 days for steroid to become effective, Regenerative ( PRP or Stem Cell) treatments typically take weeks or months. If there is no relief from an injection, a plan may be developed to target a different area, or pursue diagnostic testing.




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