

Step By Step


Many times pain treatments fail because the cause of the pain is misdiagnosed or the appropriate therapies are not available to the patient.

At The Pain Solution Center, our experienced practitioners begin with finding the cause, so we can work on fixing the problem. We guide patients through the recovery process, starting with diagnosis and the development of a pain care plan. The goal of pain care is to maximize function and quality of life, and we’ve seen that almost anyone can be helped from a good clinical decision. We utilize therapies like medication management, precision injection therapy, stem cell therapy, spinal stimulators, trigger point injection and referral to physical therapy and surgery. We treat most painful conditions from headache to foot pain.

Friendly and knowledgeable doctors & staff! They always follow-up on how I’m doing after procedures.
— Tamara Haner

Required Information


The personalized pain care process begins with us getting acquainted with you. Prior to your appointment, please sign a release for medical records and gather any test results relating to your pain problem. This includes recent lab work, all MRIs, ultrasounds, x-rays, and CTs of the problem area(s), including tests ordered by physicians other than the office from which you were referred. Although it is not always possible to have every detail in place, arriving well prepared is a first step in taking charge of your pain. We may request that your primary-care physician order necessary imaging or physical therapy, when required, to complete your clinical picture.


Consultation Appointment


The front office will call you to schedule an Initial Consultation appointment. As gathering records can be slow, you can make this happen faster by providing your medical records directly to us. When you come for your first visit, be prepared to spend up to 90 minutes at our clinic. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment, with your completed paperwork.

The Pain Questionnaire assists the provider in assessing your pain needs. Please take your time to fill out the questions completely and accurately. It is long because we want to know about your pain history details. 


Pain-Care Plan


At the Initial Consult visit, your practitioner will work with you to develop a pain-care plan, tailored to address your individual pain needs. Link to personalized pain care model. Please note that narcotics are not prescribed at the Initial Consult visit.




Your safety is our primary concern. There are specific instructions concerning eating, drinking, and medication prior to any scheduled procedure. If you are having a procedure, please click below for instructions for medication, eating, and drinking prior to your procedure.


Follow Up


Schedule follow-up appointments